Update on our wellness journey
I know it has been a while since I have been on here. February has been a full month with visits to my son's specialists in Dallas, two birthdays and lots of pain for my sweet boy. Some good things are happening along the way. For some time now our family has been trying to clean up out eating. We are eating less and less processed food and heavy meats, while we increased seafood, and fresh fruits and vegetables. You can read about the beginning of this journey here Simple Does Not Mean Easy I know it's basic stuff and we are still striving. Some family members struggle more than others. If you were to look in on us you would see the lines are drawn boys vs. girls. My oldest has been doing the best, as she cut out all meat, sodas, and most processed foods. She loves seafood and vegetables. My other daughter is also a very healthy and wise eater, and more disciplined about exercise. The whole family has been trying to get this one area right be...