So Many Blessings

Like many others I have recently read Ann Voskamp's "One Thousand Gifts."  I wasn't a total ingrate before reading the book but I was an offender.  I must say I am still on the naughty list most of the time, but I am recovering.  I have often praised Him over a blue sky, or sunset.  Over my precious children and loved ones. Even for my home.  But never often enough.  I was nearly tithing my thanks to Him.  

A special blessing happened this week, one I thanked Him for immediately.  My husband and I like to take communion together whenever possible, which isn't that often.  He runs video, ushers, serves, or works parking lot duty nearly every Sunday.  So many times I am on my own during service. Last Sunday was the same.  Hubby was filling in for an absent usher.  As communion time came I was praying and telling God how I missed having this special time with my husband.  Almost immediately my husband sat down beside me with the communion tray and we were able to share together.  It seems silly to anyone else, but it brought me to tears.  We (my husband and I) have never talked about it but He knew.  Immediately He granted the desire of my heart at that moment.

Only two days later He sent me a reminder of his love and how we need to be actively paying attention to see all He does for us.  I was carefully putting lotion on my eight year old sons face.  My son has some issues with his skin and I am always careful with his little face. He said "That feels nice." I replied, "It does feel nice to be touched gently."  My little one looked at me with his bright blue eyes and said, "That is how God touches us."  Oh, how true!  Our Gentle Creator. How he touches us in our tender places with the most gentle care healing and blessing at the same time.  

So ask, wait, listen, and pay attention. He is blessing you in a gentle way.  And don't forget to thank HIM!


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