Essential Oil Class or Party Set Up (in your home)

Sharing is caring! I love having in home classes and telling others about the benefits of essential oils.  I know that it can be intimidating so I am sharing how I do the basic or 101 class it in my home. 
Start with a good diffuser blend. I used a fall scent for the season. This one was orange, clove, cinnamon bark, and pine. Thieves blend is good but can cause detox in some so it is one I avoid. Stress Away, Purification, and just orange are all good ones too. 

I personally think fresh flowers make a home look inviting. I usually have flowers in my home anyway but I step it up a notch when I do a class. 

I always have food at my classes. Many have food allergies etc. so I usually stick with cheese, fruit, veggies, and do a gluten free cracker. (Pardon the mess, I took the pic before I put away everything.)

Fruit-infused water and tea are usually what I offer to drink. I always introduce NingXia juice during the class and pass around little cups of juice for those who want to try it. 

Here is my living room coffee table with the PSK on display on the left, my flowers, and the right has my notes, open bottles to pass around and some carrier oils. ALWAYS have a carrier oil ready in-case someone is sensitive or not careful when trying an oil. I give the "this is how we use oils, and never put them in eyes and ears" talk before passing them around.

Here is the dining table with the chairs moved away. I have two games set up and a few books and flyers. The first game is "guess how many bottles are in the jar."  They write their number on the little bottle slip, their name on the back, and drop it in the little green bucket.

Here you can see the few resources I set out. Don't forget your business cards! It is easy to overwhelm with information, and most never look at any of it. I give everyone one of the  "Above The Wellness Line" books at my beginners class. We go through and talk about it during the class and it is theirs to keep. Many who don't jump in right away refer back to their little book and usually eventually call me and ask how to sign up and get their own kit. (Make sure you put your information on anything you send home so they can call you later or sign up with your number! I tape my business card to the back of the books.)
Here is game two. I call it "test your aroma IQ." I always use everyday plant oils like lemon, oregano, and basil. I never use blends. Put one drop of oil on a cotton ball and drop it in the cup. Make sure you write down which oil went in which number cup for yourself. I have them fill out their answers on premade slips and this is the ice-breaker at the beginning of class. We go down the list and talk about the smells. The one with the most correct wins a 5ml oil like lavender or lemon. 

I adore these little glass jars! I used to use dixie cups or tiny solo cups, but this is much nicer looking and reusable

This gets everyone asking about why would you use this oil, or I love the smell etc.

Then I make sure everyone has a book on the starter kit (shown in a pic above) and we pass around the oils one by one and discuss the body system it supports, etc.

This is another option without the large coffee table but a small side table is used instead.

Most of the time people come to my classes with a notebook and they write down everything that gets discussed. I try to always include some experienced oilers in my classes so we have lots of good information and remember to keep it compliant!

Before the end of the class, I give another 5ml oil for the one who guessed closest on the "bottles in the jar" game. I usually put the prizes in tiny gift sacks.  If you have a big turnout you can do a third giveaway by just drawing a name.

A few extra tips-

  • Other great options for door prizes are diffuser jewelry, Thieves hand sanitizer, one of the chapsticks like cinamint, and the Thieves spray. 
  • Make sure you have your business cards out and available
  • Have a computer ready with the YoungLiving site up to help sign up people that night. Have them take a note on their phone or take a picture of their login info for later. 
  • Memorize your member number!
  • If your upline has a Zyto or an Itovi, they will help your monthly sales if they will come and scan at your classes. My upline is amazing about doing this for me! It helps people who aren't sure what to buy next too.
  • Plan classes (parties) around your order schedule so people who want to try and order just one or two items can tack on to your order. Make sure you add the tax to their cost or you are losing money! I don't charge them a portion of the shipping. 
  • You don't have to have all the answers! It is fine to say I will look that up or ask someone. Or pull out your Desk Reference and let them look something up. :D
  • Make a facebook event at least two weeks before and remind at one week, and two days and the day of. 
  • Don't be afraid to ask your upline for support or suggestions.
  • Clean with Thieves before everyone comes. Have your Thieves or lavender hand soap in the bathroom etc. Show that you have replaced everyday items with these safer, natural products! 
  • Know what the monthly promotions are.
  • Be prepared to explain how essential rewards works. 
I hope this helps you build some confidence in sharing with others! 


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