Diffuser Blends for Blah Days

We are stuck in the cycle of cold overcast days followed by warm windy days. It makes it hard to choose what to wear and everyone is complaining about their sinuses. 

I have been choosing blends that are bright and zippy and feel like spring.

Blend # 1 is 2 drops each of Peppermint, Lemongrass, and Rosemary.  This is bright and cheerful smelling to me. I love Lemongrass and it is great on its own or in combination with many other oils like citrus.

Orange is another favorite. I use so much I order it nearly every month. 
Blend #2 combine 4 drops of orange with 2 drops of peppermint.

Spearmint is zippy all on its own.
Blend # 3 is 4 drops Orange and 2 drops Spearmint

Peppermint happens to be great sinus support and is good for sleepy mornings to help get you moving. 


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