French vintage advert "Keep Smiling" I love to DIY personal products! I make my own lotions, creams, bug spray, lip balm, soaps, and on and on and on... When I had my first child over 19 years ago our pediatrician told me not to use baby powder on my child. He said they can easily breathe it in and it isn't good for their system. Use cornstarch or another natural product our bodies can break down. Well, it was great advice then and is still is. I have been playing with my dusting powder recipe lately. For years I have just used corn starch. I have to use a power of some kind, my skin is sensitive and I easily rash (TMI). I tried adding a tad of baking soda to make it more absorbent and odor fighting. Let me say it was a big mistake. First, it was grainy and not smooth. Even with just a tsp of baking soda to a cup of cornstarch. Second, my skin hated it, it was irritating for me. So here is what I have landed on....