
Showing posts from 2016

The gift that keeps on giving!

Make a difference for your family this year.  Give the gift of wellness.  Click here to get your own kit!

Young Living November 2016 Promotion

Click the Young Living Essential Oil Tab above and see the November 2016 Promotion! 

DIY Personal Powder

French vintage advert "Keep Smiling" I love to DIY personal products!  I make my own lotions, creams, bug spray, lip balm, soaps, and on and on and on... When I had my first child over 19 years ago our pediatrician told me not to use baby powder on my child. He said they can easily breathe it in and it isn't good for their system. Use cornstarch or another natural product our bodies can break down.  Well, it was great advice then and is still is. I have been playing with my dusting powder recipe lately. For years I have just used corn starch.  I have to use a power of some kind, my skin is sensitive and I easily rash (TMI).  I tried adding a tad of baking soda to make it more absorbent and odor fighting. Let me say it was a  big mistake. First, it was grainy and not smooth. Even with just a tsp of baking soda to a cup of cornstarch. Second, my skin hated it, it was irritating for me.  So here is what I have landed on....

Essential Oil Class or Party Set Up (in your home)

Sharing is caring! I love having in home classes and telling others about the benefits of essential oils.  I know that it can be intimidating so I am sharing how I do the basic or 101 class it in my home.  Start with a good diffuser blend. I used a fall scent for the season. This one was orange, clove, cinnamon bark, and pine. Thieves blend  is  good but can cause detox in some so it is one I avoid. Stress Away, Purification, and just orange are all good ones too.  I personally think fresh flowers make a home look inviting. I usually have flowers in my home anyway but I  step it up a notch when I do a class.  I always have food at my classes. Many have food allergies etc. so I usually stick with cheese, fruit, veggies, and do a gluten free cracker. (Pardon the mess, I took the pic before I put away everything.) Fruit-infused water and tea are usually what I offer to drink. I always introduce NingXia juice during the class...

October 2016 Young Living Promotion

  Click the Young Living Tab to see the October 2016 Promotion!

Setting up my new sewing space!

My two daughters both moved out of state to attend college this August. This is how I have been consoling myself for the last month. That is my hubby has done much of the work and I have chosen all the fun colors and furniture. :)  The room before we started.  New paint makes it cheery and bright! It is Tiffany blue.  Sewing corner! I put this on the wall with the door so when you look into the room you don't see the sewing mess if there is one. ;)  I have had this sewing unit for many years and it works perfectly for me. It can fold away  into a sideboard. New ironing board cover because everything has to match. I put the ironing board at chair height so I can just swivel and press. Saves my back too! The ironing board and iron have a hanger in the closet for when I am not using them.  I LOVE this desk shelf unit. The shelf can rotate to make a corner or L-shaped space. My hubby found the chair for me and changed the casters to ...

September 2016 Young Living Promotions

Click the Young Living Tab above to see TWO amazing promotions for September!  

August 2016 Young Living Essential Oil Promo

Click the Young Living Tab above to see the August 2016 Promotion. It's all about back to school essentials! 

Summer Slowdown

This is the summer of transition and boy do I feel it. In one month both of my daughters will move out of state to college.    We had to take time out and escape to the country. I needed some time with my parents and sister and the kids did too.   Giant old magnolia. Rolling hills in all directions... Cicada shell hanging out in the secret garden. It's really no secret, but my son named it so. It is this neat little area with a trellis entrance under an old apple tree.  The sounds are so different away from the city. The Bob Whites were calling in the pasture, along with the cow birds. The hum of all the invisible insect life was amazing. One of the many treasures, a painting by my grandmother. I know it's a mess, but I was a spring roll making machine! This keeps me on track with my weight watchers. See that old cutting board, it has to be at least 50 years old.  One of the many beautiful pastures.  ...

July 2016 Young Living Promotion

Click the Young Living tab above to see the promotion for the month of July!

Young Living Permium Starter Kit & other stuff

The Young Living Premium Starter Kits are all on sale through June 30th! That's right you get an additional 10% off the already reduced price for buying the items in a kit. This video explains a little about the kit, signing up, why we chose oils and the savings from buying the items in the kit instead individually.  If you are wanting your own kit and don't have someone to help you sign up, click either link to the right (Got Oils? or Sign up) and get started. 

SOOOO Many great things happening at Young Living right now

Click the Young Living Tab above and see the great deal going on right now! 

Jelly Roll Quilt Update!

I am finally getting back to my quilt. Click the  create and craft  tab above to see where the quilt is now. 

Summer Essential Oil Recipes!

Here are three more recipes that I use all the time. The hair roll on is part of my everyday routine now!  These would be great for make and take classes too.   ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Essential Rewards from Young Living

Here is my recent video explaining Essential Rewards fromYoung Living. If you spend around $50.00 a month you need to enroll in ER. It doesn't cost extra, and you earn money back to redeem for free items (of your choice)! The longer you are on ER the more you earn back! I am now earning 20% of my monthly order. 

One day flash sale!!!

Click the Young Living Tab to learn more about the one day sale on Premium Starter Kits from Young Living. 

Young Living Mountain Mist Deodorant

Product Review Have you been looking for a safer, healthier deodorant? I have. Being a DIY girl I tried making my own but found the ones that had the consistency I liked had so much baking soda my skin broke out. I can say that armpits are a sensitive area and it really can make you miserable if they are sore, broken out, or rash covered!  I read a post from one of my upline that they use the Young Living Deodorant at night to help flush toxins! That was what made me go ahead and order the AromaGuard Mountain Mist Deodorant. One thing I love about Young Living is the full disclosure. You can read every ingredient right on the website.  I have been using it a month now, and I really like it! It smells nice, goes on smoothly, and works! It does feel a tad wet when first applied, but I had no skin reaction at all!  I have officially switched and will be trying the other scent soon.  I can't really speak to the toxin flush, but I know the ingredients all...