Back to School Essentials

Both of my daughters are back at college and my son in high school. I was just thinking about how we don't get sick much at all anymore. I know it is a combination of better diet, the right supplements, and essential oils. 

Here are suggestions for some back to school support for the youngest student up to the teachers!

For everyone: 

For the littlest learners:

Athletes, dancers, marching band and more:

Study Buddies:

Immune Support (or perfect attendance): 

College bound:

  • Everyday oils collection to give them all the basics
  • A diffuser to keep their room smelling yummy and the air clean
  • Satin facial scrub, we all know they have skin
  • Mutligreens to balance cafeteria food, you aren't there to make them eat their veggies anymore

Teachers and students:

Here is to starting well and staying well!

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
                                                        Proverbs 18:15


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