Get The Most Out of Your YL Deoderant

Here is a little trick I do to get the most out of my YL deodorant. 
First of all, I love their deodorant, both scents.

I always have a little bit left in the container. Just a tad. But I want to use it all!

I pull out the insert with the leftovers in it. Then I pry out all the deodorant into a glass measuring cup. I forgot to take a pic of the pieces before I melted them down.

Over a double boiler melt the pieces down.  I personally like to add a few drops of lemongrass. It is fresh and bright. Then put the insert back into one of the empty tubes and roll it down so there is plenty of room to pour in the mixture. 

It sets up quickly! 

Roll it up to close to the top before it completely sets and let it set up for a few hours.  That's it! Now I have weeks more of deo to use! 

Do not mix the deodorant of other people together! Make sure you wipe away any lint etc. before you melt it down.


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